Who, me? Thanks for asking.

Im Sarah, and I make things I care about with and for people I care about. Usually, those things involve words and design. Sometimes, its homemade pasta.

I love that my role means I’m always learning new things, writing about amazing people (ranging from Emmy-award winning journalists to teachers who deserve every award), and coming up with big, often-weird ideas that make a real, positive impact. Sometimes that means inspiring people to change their perspective on the world through travel. Other times that means showing them new kitchenware. But if a new pan makes them happy…?

When I’m not writing, you can find me browsing through bookshops, pretending to be a voiceover artist, or going to improv class (which is basically just the adult version of make-believe).

If you want to talk or make something together (even if its just pasta), please reach out.